The Fujifilm Instax 210 is an instant camera developed by the well-known Fujifilm brand.
This camera produces physical pictures with dimensions based on the golden ratio:
62x99mm. At this size, these photos are larger than the ones produced by the Instax
Mini cameras. All instant cameras need a special type of film, and this particular model
uses a wide instant film.
What type of film do I need?
The owner of the Instax 210 needs a film like the Fujifilm 800 ISO, SKU f560. Generally,
this type of film is sold in packages of 2, each with 10 available frames. These films with
10 shots each are not new – in fact, it’s the standard format for instant cameras.
What types of pictures do I get?
The ISO 800 makes glossy and crystal clear pictures with a bit of a retro effect when
taking photos in the daylight. Each frame of the film measures 11cm x 8.5cm, making it
slightly larger than the image itself, however, no instant film creates pictures that are the
same size as the frame.
Each image has a white frame around it, and one of the sides is wider than the others,
allowing you to write a short description of it.
How can I use this film?
The Fujifilm Instax Wide ISO 800 film can be used in the models Instax 200 and 210
made by Fujifilm, as well as in the newer Instax 300 model. But that’s not all because
the Lomo’Instant Wide is also compatible with this film, making the Fujifilm Instax Wide
film a rather versatile product.
This Instax Wide film can safely and perfectly be used both with natural and artificial
light. One should protect it from direct sun rays, as these can permanently damage it.
Many users warn that it might take a bit of a getting used to taking photos with any
instant camera, especially if they have a certain image in mind.
The Instax Wide film for the Instax 210, just like the other similar films, requires good
light before releasing the shutter. Good light and a steady hand will go a long way for a
really crisp image. A very clear picture is not always desirable, depending on your
artistic skills and the purpose of the photo.
What should I know about the film?
Just like with any purchase, there are positive and negative aspects. There are rather
a few advantages to using such a camera and film. Those who miss the old-fashioned
photos that can be held are the ones who will benefit the most from buying them.
Those who expect extreme clarity in the images, the possibility of manipulating the
capture before printing, or the option to print it in the desired size, will feel greatly
disappointed by the instant cameras. Let’s learn why.
Each film holds just 10 shots which is very limiting when comparing them to the old
fashioned films, and let’s not mention the digital cameras or the handheld devices
everyone owns. One has to be careful when taking any picture as any error means
wasted money and film.
Skeaping of money, the film itself is not cheap, making the photos rather pricey. The
user should hold back from snapping pictures at every corner and just do so for very
special moments. In other words, from a financial point of view, there are many
drawbacks of this film.
However, considering the size of the photo you get, compared to the Instax Mini, this
film is more affordable. The affordability of the film in this case was considered when
calculating its price per square centimeter. Even so, any error in photographing the
subject still means lost money.
Old-fashioned pictures are wasteful from an ecological point of view, and the same can
be said about the ones obtained instantly. They’re more wasteful when the image is out
of focus, overexposed, or underexposed, and it wasn’t purposely done so. When these
mistakes are made on purpose, the picture can be used for its artistic value.
This is a colored film and there is no option to control the colors or take black and white
pics if that’s what you want. However, you can find an Instax Wide black and white film
if you want that kind of photo. The disadvantage is that you must use up all the shots
before switching between the films.
If you really want to edit something about the image, you can scan it and then
manipulate it on the computer with the desired program. you can then reprint it in the
size you wish, or in the numbers you like, and on the desired support.
Speaking of numbers, unless you want to take more photos of the same subject, you’ll
only have a single copy of any picture you take. This feature makes the instant
photographs more special, even when compared to the old-fashioned ones.